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about our chickens

We produce eggs like your great-grandma enjoyed. We don’t want you to have to worry about how your eggs were produced. Factory farmed, de-beaked, crowded, sickly conditions. What does cage-free actually mean? You don’t have to worry about any of that here. Happy chickens do indeed make better, more nutrient-dense eggs.

We raise chickens on pasture. Our laying chickens happily chomp on weeds, frogs, insects, and supplemental certified organic feed. Fresh water and fresh air round out their lives. We feed them a supplemental feed that is certified organic.

They enjoy normal chicken behaviors inside electrical fencing, which keeps them safe from coyotes, foxes, and random stray dogs. Our goose protection team keeps them safe from aerial predators. We move their coop to fresh pasture as needed, so that they always have fresh greenery to eat. They have pretty darn good chicken lives. In return, they give us some of the best eggs we’ve ever tasted.


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