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How we treat pollinators on our farm!

On our farm, we understand the crucial role that pollinators play in our food system. We firmly believe that without pollinators, there is no food. That’s why we take great care to treat them with the respect they deserve. We never use pesticides that could harm these vital creatures, and we make sure to plant plenty of pollinator-friendly plants throughout our fields. We have a pollinator habitat, but we also have patches of clover, colorful wildflowers and fragrant herbs here, there, and everywhere on our farm- we’ve got a little something for every bee, butterfly, and hummingbird.

Our apiary is making a real difference in the pollination of our farm, ensuring our crops are thriving and flourishing. Our hardworking bees are an essential part of our eco-system, and we’re proud to keep them happy and healthy. After all, without pollinators like bees and butterflies, our food system would be in serious trouble.