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Bring me a shrubbery- an elderberry shrub, that is!

Fläder is Swedish for Elder- as in the Elder bush (or shrub!). Both elderberries and elderflowers come from the Elder bush. So, then, what is a Fläder Shrub?

A shrub is a drinking vinegar- in this case, an elderberry drinking vinegar. Made from elderberry juice, raw organic apple cider vinegar, and organic sugar, it is refreshing with just a kick of vinegar at the end. It’s a concentrate, meaning that you add 1 part shrub to 6 parts water, sparkling water, or even iced tea. Adjust more shrub or more water/tea to taste. For a cocktail, mix 1 part shrub with 1 part tequila, vodka, or rum, top with sparkling water. Each bottle of elderberry shrub is approximately 9 ounces.

We only use elderberries from our own farm in our elderberry shrubs, so you know where the elderberries came from. More about our elderberries can be found here:

And you can order an elderberry shrub of your own here: